SRDE004 – Katie and Jessie on a boat

First english „segelradio“ ever!

Katie and Jessie on their Sailboat Louise ready to leave from Harbour Point Yacht Club further down the Mississippi
Katie (left) and Jessie on Louise ready to head further down the Mississippi

Just two weeks ago Katie and Jessie jumped on their boat in Northport on Lake Michigan to sail „to the ocean“. The two american girls are currently following the same part of the Great Loop that I do and that is basically described simply by heading south along the mid west. They refer to themselves as Loopers as everybody on these waters does. But they have a slightly different approach and their destination it not even known by now. If and when they will finish the Loop will be found out later.

At Harbor Point Yacht Club on the Mississippi we extended a morning coffee into a quick podcast episode and talked about expectations, attitudes and how the cruising community welcomed them in their first weeks as liveabords.

Having another fifty miles or so to go downriver on the the same day, we only had time for a short and also a little spontaneous episode. But the normal way to say „good bye“ to cruisers here is „see you somewhere down the road“. So we might do a follow up in the next couple of weeks further south and see how expectations turned slowly into growing experiences along the rivers.


Katie and Jessie following pelicans south on Illinois River
Katie and Jessie on board Louise following pelicans on their way south
Lake Michigan
The Great Loop
Louise – CAL 27

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Sailing Journalist, Podcaster, Photographer

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