In summer 2013 Clive, skipper of Cosmic Dancer V, and Angela took their Sweden 38 Yacht up to Greenland to function as a moveable base camp for a group of mountaineers seeking some unclimbed rocks in northern Greenland.
You can read about the past trips and upcoming adventures on Cosmic Dancer at www.cosmic-dancer.com and follow them on Facebook (www.facebook.com/cosmicdancerv) and Twitter (www.twitter.com/CosmicDancerV)
- Great Lakes
Sailing Cosmic Dancer V to some cold latitudes: Angela Lilienthal (r) and Clive Woodman - Thousand Islands
- Erie Barge Canal
- New York – Lower Bay
- Chesapeake Bay
- Hudson River
- Sweden 38 Yacht
- ARC – Atlantic Rally for Cruisers
- Oswego
- Milwaukee
- Harold William „Bill“ Tillmann
- Running Rigg – All halyards and lines on a sailboat that are used to control the sails
- St. Johns, Newfoundland
- Matt Rutherford
There is also a video about sailing to Greenland on Vimeo
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